
The Golden + Area A Trail Alliance works collaboratively with all motorized and non-motorized trail user groups and environmental stewardship groups to maintain and strategically improve recreation networks throughout the area that are environmentally responsible, intelligently connected, and a model of sustainability. We work collaboratively and constructively to generate 4 season support and sustained funding. The recreation trail network throughout Golden and Area A is inclusive, diverse, designed and constructed to meet current trail standards, and is considered a valuable asset to the community.
Established in 2019, The Golden + Area A Trail Alliance undertakes a collaborative approach to recreation trail maintenance, recreation trail development, and environmental stewardship initiatives throughout Golden, BC and the surrounding rural Electoral Area A. The Trail Alliance creates efficiencies for sharing of resources, trail building, marketing, maintenance, trail development applications, and strategic planning.
The Trail Alliance builds upon the Regional Trail Strategy for Golden and Area (completed 2018) with a focus on the implementation of strategic initiatives. The Trail Alliance also seeks to ensure consistency with the Golden Backcountry Recreation Access Plan (GBRAP)
The Golden + Area A Trail Alliance does not replace the Front Counter BC or Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development process or approvals. We do work closely with Government representatives and private landowners to achieve sustainable recreation network solutions.
The Golden + Area A Trail Alliance seeks to maintain balanced representation between environmental, social, economic, and cultural values. Please refer to our Member Organizations on the About Page. The following represent useful links to many trail organizations that participate in the Trail Alliance:
Golden Backcountry Recreation Access Plan
The Golden + Area A Trail Alliance will be working with member organizations to organize volunteer trail days and get people involved. Stay tuned.